Importing Excel Files from a Personal OneDrive in Python
OneDrive is Microsoft’s cloud file storage solution

Importing Excel files into python is very simple:

  1. Open the Excel file from the personal OneDrive. Go to File > Share > Embed.


  2. In the next Embed dialogue, click on Generate.


  3. In the Embed pane, refer to the Embed code box on the lower left-hand corner. Here you will find the embed iframe. Copy the iframe and paste it onto a text editor of your choice.


  4. Within the iframe, locate the values for resid and authkey.

     <iframe width="402" height="346" frameborder="0" scrolling="no" src=""></iframe> 
  5. With these values, use pandas to read the file. Replace ‘YOURRESID’ and ‘YOURAUTHKEY’ with the values found in the previous step.

     import pandas as pd
     resid = 'YOURRESID'
     authkey = 'YOURAUTHKEY'
     url_excel = (''
                  + 'resid=' + resid 
                  + '&authkey=' + authkey
                  + '&em=2&app=Excel')
     one_drive_df = pd.read_excel(url_excel)

Beware that this method works for Excel files in a personal OneDrive, not enterprise OneDrive

Importing Excel Files from a Personal OneDrive in Python
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Importing Excel Files from a Personal OneDrive in Python