Hi there! My name is Paulo and I am a freelance data all-arounder based in Berlin, Germany. Welcome to my blog.

OpenStreetMap Features and Tags in R

OpenStreetMap Features and Tags in R

Some tips to find the right features and tags for the elements you are mapping in R

Challenge November 2020: My First 100k Run

Challenge November 2020: My First 100k Run

Running alongside the Mauerweg on a cold November day

Using Google Fonts with Plots in R

Using Google Fonts with Plots in R

A short example on how to use Google Fonts within ggplot graphs

Top 10: Books Read in 2020

Top 10: Books Read in 2020

A few thoughts on what I considered were the best books I read/listened to in 2020.

Running in the Tatras

Running in the Tatras

I insist, the color of the trail marker has nothing to do with the trail's difficulty!

Challenge July 2020: My First 50-Miler

Challenge July 2020: My First 50-Miler

Discovering the power of alcohol-free beer on a warm July 4th