Top 10: Books Read in 2020
  1. Confident Data Skills

A must-read for people venturing into data science. Also, a good refreshing read for those experienced in the field.

  1. Educated

A heartening story about overcoming great obstacles while exposing the dangers of religious dogma.

  1. Can't Hurt Me

Warning: Explicit content. If you ever feel not wanting to go running because it is too cold or windy, this book is for you


David Goggins, renowned endurance athlete, former US Navy Seal and author of Can't Hurt Me via DMARGE

  1. The Rise of the Ultra Runners

A thorough introduction to the world of ultrarunning to novices like me. Not only does the book teach you about the greatest exponents of the sport, it also shows you the dark side of this discipline.

  1. Why We Sleep

We spend one third of our lives sleeping. It must play an important role in our lives, right? You bet it does.

  1. Lifespan

This is the most mind-expanding book I have read this year. We take for granted many things in life, and death is among the most certain. But should we?

  1. This is Going to Hurt

A masterpiece of dark humor. Do you ever wonder how doctors get by with their excruciating jobs? Get a first-hand account following the diary of this doctor-turned-comedian.


Adam Kay, comedy writer, former physician and author of This is Going to Hurt via RTE

  1. How Not to Die

A straight-forward guide to food. These are the problems, this is the research, these are the results. No need to subscribe to a diet or overrated “-isms.”

  1. Born a Crime

A beautiful and utterly funny story about growing up an outcast. This book will teach you more about apartheid South Africa than other historical accounts out there.

  1. The Ten Types of Human

We live our lives at such a fast pace that we forget how lucky we are. This is a story about the horrors and strength of will of human kind. Inspiring.

Top 10: Books Read in 2020
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Running in the Tatras

I insist, the color of the trail marker has nothing to do with the trail's difficulty!

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Using Google Fonts with Plots in R

A short example on how to use Google Fonts within ggplot graphs

Top 10: Books Read in 2020