“It is never too late to be kind, polite, and a loving human being.”
“No somos más que una miserable especie extraviada en medio de un universo que no terminamos por comprender a cabalidad.”
“Better [to] sleep with a sober cannibal than a drunken Christian.”
“Seeking an alternative [to the Orthodox Model] is just plain good science. Science proceeds most rapidly when there are two or more competing ideas.”
“My goal isn’t to say what did happen - it’s to prove that the official story didn’t.”
“Believe in truth. To abandon facts is to abandon freedom. If nothing is true, then no one can criticize power, because there is no basis upon which to do so. If nothing is true, then all is spectacle.”
“Evil that arises out of ordinary thinking and is committed by ordinary people is the norm, not the exception.”
“He who has never sinned is less reliable than he who has only sinned once.
“Orwell feared that the truth would be concealed from us. Huxley feared the truth would be drowned in a sea of irrelevance.”
“We have two ears and one mouth and we should use them proportionally.”