You created a brand new Cloud Composer environment. Now what? A natural next-step in the CI/CD pipeline is to sync a Git repository to your environment.
The following example is based on the article Sync a GitHub repo to your GCP Composer (Airflow) DAGs folder, but applied to the context of Cloud Source Repositories.
Once started, your new environment has created a DAGs folder in a Cloud Storage bucket. Your goal is to sync the contents from your development DAGs folder in a Source Repository to the environment’s DAG folder in Cloud Storage.
From your Composer environment, click on Environment Configuration and refer to the DAGs Folder location. Copy the link to the DAGs folder and save for later.
Go to Cloud Source Repositories. Create a new repository by clicking on Add repository.
Using your preferred authentication method, clone the repository to a local git repository.
From GCP, go to Cloud Build. Click on Triggers > Create trigger +. Proceed to create a new trigger
Under event, make sure the trigger is set to “Push to a branch.” Moreover, select the repository created in step 2, and type
under Branch. -
Under configuration, specify the path that will hold your yaml file, in this case
.and finalize the trigger by clicking on Create.
Now go to the local repository. Create two folders, one named
, and another one nameddags
. Undercloudbuild
, create the fileclouldbuild.yaml
containing the following content:steps: - name: args: ['-m', 'rsync', '-r', '-c', '-d', './dags', 'gs://your-composer-bucket/dags']
and replacing
by your actual DAGs folder path from step 1. -
, create a test DAG. For this example, create the
with the following content:from airflow import DAG from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator from datetime import datetime, timedelta yesterday = - timedelta(days=1) default_args = { 'owner': 'airflow', 'depends_on_past': False, 'start_date': yesterday, 'retries': 0 } dag = DAG('dag_test_01', default_args=default_args, schedule_interval= '0 0 * * *') t0 = BashOperator( task_id='say_hello', bash_command='echo "hello world"', dag=dag) t0
Commit your changes in your local repository and push them to the Source Repository.
Finally, go back to your Composer environment. Click on Open Airflow UI. Now you should see the test DAG from step 8 on the Airflow DAG panel.
From now on, every commit pushed to the Source Repository will be reflected on your Cloud Composer environment. All related code is available on GitHub.