dbt seed: Data Warehousing and CSV Files
Photo by Tamanna Rumee on Unsplash

In addition to sources and models, dbt allows us to use something called “seeds” in our project. Seeds are CSV files that we keep in the dbt project’s seeds folder. They contain data that we use often but change rarely. For example, good candidates for seeds would be a list of test user IDs, local holiday dates, or codes mapped to labels.

Instead of hard-coding this data directly into a model, dbt lets us keep it in CSV format. We can then use it just like any other model in our project. One of the most frequently used seeds in my day-to-day is a mapping of German postal codes to cities and federal states.

Adding a New Seed

Let’s begin from a development branch. Assume our CSV file is postal_code_germany.csv. To add a new seed, follow these steps:

  1. Upload the CSV file in the seeds folder, that is, seeds/postal_code_germany.csv
  2. Run the command dbt seed
Successful load for seed postal_code_germany

dbt will create a new table in our data warehouse target schema. Remember that dbt seed deletes the existing data in the table and adds all the lines from the CSV. This is different from dbt run on models with table materializations, which drops and creates tables from scratch.

Updating an Existing Seed

If we need to update a seed with new data, we can follow these steps:

  1. Modify the existing seeds/postal_code_germany.csv file and save it
  2. Run dbt seed again to update the seed table with the new data

If we want to change the structure of the seed table, like renaming columns, adding new ones, or making other structural changes, we need to use dbt seed --full-refresh to apply the changes to our data warehouse.

Merging into Production

After our changes have been run and tested in the development branch, we merge them into the production branch. When we want to make the changes to our seeds effective on our data warehouse, we run the dbt seed command again.

Chances are, you are running a build command on your production branch. Luckily, dbt build includes seeding seeds, so it takes care of the seed command for us. If we made structural changes to the seed table and want to update it in production, we must add the full-refresh flag, that is dbt build --full-refresh.

Handling Column Types

CSV files are flexible but don’t carry specific information about data types. This can cause issues, especially with postal codes. For example, if a postal code starts with a zero, like 04109 for Leipzig, our data warehouse will automatically treat it as an integer and drop the leading zero.

To fix this, dbt lets us specify column types for seeds. We can create a property file for seeds, similar to the ones we have for models, to set the correct data types.

Setting up column types on a property file for seed postal_code_germany

The changes above are structural changes to the seed. This implies that we will need a full-refresh to make the changes applicable to our data warehouse.

Finally, don’t forget that seeds can have specific properties. We can set tests, customize schema names, modify source paths and create documentation for seeds just like we do for models. For more information, check out the official documentation on properties and configurations. Happy querying.

dbt seed: Data Warehousing and CSV Files
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dbt seed: Data Warehousing and CSV Files